$10.00 USD

9/13/23 @ 6pm (MST)

The goal of this group is to provide extra support to help you get through things. Come join our group and vent, share if you want, or listen to other people. No real structure but support for you. 
This support group is open to anyone. I may offer a tidbit of information, or technique if I think it could be helpful for you to manage the struggle. The advice, information, or techniques that I offer should not be confused with therapy- simply perspectives of how to manage daily life better from a therapist.
The meeting CAN be one hour and may last longer depending on who is participating and if they need feedback or suggestions from other participants.

This is intended to be a safe space for EVERYONE. By signing up you agree to the group rules. If you violate these rules you will be dismissed from the group and not allowed in future groups. 

Group Rules

  • One person speaking at a time and no interrupting 
  • Take turns and be mindful of how long you are sharing for and allow others to participate
  • Keep background noise and distractions at a minimum
  • Be kind, courteous & respectful
  • No hate speech or bullying
  • No promotions or spam
  • Respect everyone's privacy